PROMAX Bremsscheibe 160mm, 96g leicht
Nur: € 14,90
Kurz Info:Durchmesser: 160mmBefestigung: IS2000 6 LochGewicht: 96ginkl. Torxschrauben und Torx Schlüsselin Promax Blisterverpackung
Durchmesser: 160mm
Befestigung: IS2000 6 Loch
Gewicht: 96g
inkl. Torxschrauben und Torx Schlüssel
in Promax Blisterverpackung
Befestigung: IS2000 6 Loch
Gewicht: 96g
inkl. Torxschrauben und Torx Schlüssel
in Promax Blisterverpackung
Why do we do what we do? Pure and simple, we are passionate about bicycles and BMX. Our number-one goals is to make bicycles, particularly racing bikes, better machines, capable of taking their riders to the highest level. We do this through innovation and pushing the limits of our manufacturers.
Nearly every time we introduced a new product concept to the engineers and production managers at our factories, we were told, “This is impossible. We cannot do this. Please change the design to something we can make.”
Each time, we stood firm until we got what we wanted. We never gave up. We never stopped pushing. It was never easy, but we believe without innovation, you—your company, your sport, your desire—die.
The result is a line of more than 30 brand new products, nearly all of which push the envelope of component design and technology.
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